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Gather round, dear readers. It's time for Kim Kardashian to lay some harsh truth on us all. You see, Life & Style magazine has a source claiming Kardashian went to a Beverly Hills cosmetic surgeon to get "fillers, stretch-mark treatments, and a fat-reducing ultrasound procedure" on her stomach. But KimKar (is that one of her nicknames? Can it be?) is fighting back, saying her post-baby body is purely a result of hard work.

Things got really real when she sent out this exclamation-heavy Tweet:

I am very frustrated today seeing reports that I got surgery to lose my baby weight! This is FALSE. I worked so hard to train myself to eat right & healthy, I work out so hard & this was such a challenge for me but I did it!!! I'm so proud of my accomplishment & NO ONE will take this away from me with fake reports! Say what u want about me but I work hard & am the most disciplined person u will ever meet!

I believe that having Kim Kardashian's career requires a fuckton of discipline, but the most disciplined person I will ever meet? Well, taking into consideration that we'll probably never meet, I guess it works? Kind-of? 

Either way, it's cool that she stuck up for herself when someone was slinging lies, and can we stop talking about celebrities and their post-baby bodies? You might lose the weight in five minutes or you might never return to your pre-baby body—why can't celebrities let their bodies do what they're going to do and just enjoy their babies?

Photo via Getty

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