Daniel Radcliffe, who recently told the world that his horcrux would be a David Bowie album hidden on an iPod, stopped by the The Tonight Show on Tuesday to continue his promotional spree for Horns. Jimmy Fallon took the opportunity to quiz Daniel on his love of hip-hop, which Daniel said began with a childhood obsession with Eminem. "I think I was the first kid in my class to learn all the words to 'The Real Slim Shady,'" Daniel admitted.

Jimmy then asked Daniel to prove his actual rapping abilities, which he more than did with a rendition of Blackalicious's "Alphabet Aerobics." The song has "aerobics" in the title for a reason, but Daniel had no problem reciting the entire thing (with musical accompaniment from the Roots, of course). He sounds a little nervous at first, but by the end, he's really going for it, and it is impressive. If this acting thing doesn't work out, perhaps Dan Rad — that'd be his rap name, obviously — has a future in novelty hip-hop. Maybe he can even get Elijah Wood to be his hype man.

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