The internet can't seem to get enough of rainbow beauty things (see: rainbow braidsrainbow roots, and rainbow highlighter), and with good reason! Rainbows are magical and fun and timeless (and lead you to a pot of gold!!). This is probably why people on Instagram have been obsessed with adding a little ROYGBIV to their beauty routines with makeup or hair color for quite some time now. 

And seeing as the hashtag #RainbowLashes is blowing up, it's apparent that one of the most popular ways to wear rainbows is with, you guessed it, your eyelashes. 

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If you're interested in trying it out yourself, rainbow falsies are always a good option (pretty sure I've done this for a Halloween look or two), but it's not the only way. The below Instagrammers used colored lash extensions or created their own mascara with rainbow eye shadows to get the look.

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Brooke Shunatona

Brooke Shunatona is a contributing writer for