1. Does she even want a pic of my penis? These texts are getting sort of sexual. I don't know if she wants to see my penis, but I also feel like asking her "do you want to see my penis?" outright is going to ruin the mood.

2. I should just send one. What's the worst that could happen? A restraining order? Yes, actually.

3. OK, how should I do this? I've never modeled before. Should I lay out on my bed? Place it on a satin pillow? Maybe I should put together a tasteful, leather-bound scrapbook of pictures of my penis I had taken at Sears.

4. It should probably be hard. I don't think anyone has been really jazzed about a flaccid penis. But somehow it's hard to get hard when I'm thinking about getting hard.

5. What's my medium? Would it be weird to just do a straight-on, POV shot? I should probably do it in front of a mirror.

6. Which angle makes it look bigger? Should I take it from up high? No, that looks like a teenage girl selfie. What if I take it from down low? No, that looks like an art house student film about my penis. Although, maybe... ?

7. This lighting make it look jaundiced. Maybe I should wait until all the colors of the sunset start filtering in through my bathroom window, rainbow shafts of light dancing across my penis. Or I could just take it now and be like, "whatever."

8. Should my face be in it? It feels weird if I just send a headless body.

9. What face should I be making? Definitely not my regular "smiling for pictures" smile. That looks manic when you're naked.


11. Now take a dozen more. That didn't come out quite right. Let's do that again. And again. Nope, again.

12. Should I use a filter? Which one is most flattering for a man's junk? I need something really dignified. Kelvin? No one likes Kelvin.

13. I'm overthinking this. This turned into a high-production Annie Leibovitz shoot.

14. Here we go. I'm just going to hover my thumb over "send" for a bit. Maybe I should have a friend or family member send it for me if I can't get the nerve. No, screw it, this is fine.

15. WHY ISN'T SHE RESPONDING?! Time to pace nervously for 45 minutes!

16. She responded but I can't open the text because my hands are so sweaty. She said, "cool." I'm emotionally spent.

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Photo Credit: Getty

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Cosmo Frank
I am a human male that enjoys consuming meals consisting of all five food groups and fulfilling every level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. I write about sex-having.