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1. Watch out for blind guys and pregnant women. In olden times, a guy sent a trusted friend or family member to chat with his potential bride as part of the marriage proposal process. But if the person saw a blind dude or a pregnant chick on the way to her house, it was considered a bad omen.

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2. Your last names shouldn't start with the same letter. Because it's bad luck, duh. There's even a handy rhyme: "To change the name and not the letter/Is to change for the worst and not the better." No wonder Henry CAVILL and Kaley CUOCO had no future together...

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3. Don't get married in May. Another marriage rhyme of yore warns against weddings in the fifth month of the year: "Marry in the month of May, and you'll surely rue the day." Tell it to the gajillion brides who get married in this gorgeous spring month!

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4. Your wedding dress color can predict the happiness of your marriage. While many women are swapping out the classic white dress for other hues, brides-to-be might want to think twice before wearing the following shades, which are warned against (once again) via rhyme:

Married in Red, you will wish yourself dead, (we know this one is really a myth because many wedding dresses in China, India, Pakistan and Vietnam are red, a traditional colour of good luck,) Married in Yellow, ashamed of your fellow, Married in Green, ashamed to be seen, Married in Pink, your spirit will sink, Married in Grey, you will go far away, Married in Black, you will wish yourself back (ahem, Avril Lavigne).

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5. The wedding veil offers protection. While veils might seem outdated and even silly nowadays, they're supposed to ward off evil spirits, according to Roman tradition. By hiding the bride's face, the veil supposedly keeps any wicked ghosts and bad juujuu away. Does this include evil mothers-in-law? hehe

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6. Spiders are good luck. Find a spider inside your wedding gown before you walk down the aisle? Shriek all you like but know that, according to English legend, the creepy little guy is actually a "best of luck omen."

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7. Hungry cats—also good luck. One of the more outrageous superstitions says that having a cat eat out of your left shoe one week before the wedding is good luck. Does your cat barfing on your pillow count?

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8. Don't drop the rings. Because you'll die. Apparently, if you or your man accidently loses hold of your wedding bands, whoever drops the ring will be the one to die first. Which is totally something you want to think about during your marriage ceremony.

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9. Your choice of flowers can bring good luck—and bad. Roses symbolize love, which could be why they're so popular for weddings. But all of you pinning photos of peonies on Pinterest might want to think twice about including them in your wedding décor: Apparently, they represent shame. Wah, wahhhh….

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10. Buy something ASAP. If you want to have the upper hand in your marriage, be sure to make a purchase before your hubby does, says one legend. One way some brides used to this? They bought a small item off one of the bridesmaids right after the ceremony. Sneaky, sneaky.

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11. Let people throw shoes at you. Tudor custom mandates that wedding guys throw shoes at a newly married couple for good luck. (Thankfully, most people just tie a pair to the back of their getaway car now.)

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12. Bury the bourbon. According to Southern tradition, you can prevent rain from ruining on your wedding day by burying a bottle of bourbon exactly one month before your nuptials. (But you might want to chug that sweet, sweet alcohol instead—especially when you're in the one-month-before crunch time of stressful wedding planning craziness.)

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13. Let it Rain...or Not. According to Alanis Morissette, rain on your wedding day is ironic, but the jury is out on whether or not it's lucky. Good omen proponents say some nuptial drizzle can be cleansing, unifying, and fertility-boosting, while others say the rain represents all the ugly-crying you'll do during your marriage (single tear).

Photos: 1—Lionsgate, 4—HELLO, 5 & 13—Getty Images, 9—thinkstockphoto, 12,—Eva Russo, Photoladylove, Inc.

For more from Natasha, follow her on Twitter @NatashaNBurton