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Humans of New York, a Facebook page that is full of uplifting stories and pretty pictures, shared a photo of a mom and her daughter accompanied by this amazing story.

The woman, unnamed, described her all-consuming desire to have a baby. She had five uterus surgeries and tons of doctors visits, but nothing worked. After the fifth surgery, her doctor sat her down to tell her that her situation would never change. He went ahead and scheduled an operation to remove her uterus completely. "I wanted a baby so much, so it was almost like hearing that my life was over," she said.

Then she started craving bread and getting very tired. She thought nothing of it because of her hormone troubles in the past:

"My friends would joke that I was pregnant, but it was too hurtful for me to even joke about. Then after three months, I felt so bad that I had to spend a day in bed, and after that my friend drove me to the pharmacy and forced me to take a pregnancy test. I came home and laid the test on the counter without even looking at it. I didn't want to be let down again. Then right before I went to bed, I finally looked, and there it was. After all these years, I still have that test. One month before they were going to remove my uterus, I'd finally gotten pregnant."


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Tess Koman
Digital Director

Tess Koman covers breaking (food) news, opinion pieces, and features on larger happenings in the food world. She oversees editorial content on Delish. Her work has appeared on,, and